contain many proteins that interact with human cells in ways that remain
to be discovered. Of interest to us are lectins of legume seeds. For
example phytohemagglutimin, a protein found in the common bean, is a
mitogen. It is also toxic to humans. Another lectin that we call FRIL
(for Flt3-Receptor Interacting Lectin) is a manose specific lectin found
in the common bean and in the hyacinth bean (Dolichos lab). FRIL has
the unusual property of preserving human hematopoietic progenitor cells
in culture. This was discovered by Jeffrey Moore, then working at ImClone,
and we cloned the gene (Colucci et al, 1999) and have since continued
this collaboration. To exploit the potential of FRIL as a cancer therapeutic
agent, Jeff Moore set up a biotech company called Phylogix. Phylogix
is located in Scarborough, Maine. If yu are interested in this technology,
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