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Michael Prigge's Publications
Click on a publication to view the paper from the journal's website.
All other bioRχiv preprints are now published.
Bi G, Zhao S, Yao J, Wang H, Zhao M, Sun Y, Hou X, Haas FB, Varshney D, Prigge M, Rensing SA, Jiao Y, Ma Y, Yan J, Dai J.
Near telomere-to-telomere genome of the model plant Physcomitrium patens.
Nat Plants. 2024 Feb;10(2):327-343. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-023-01614-7
Bascom C Jr, Prigge MJ, Szutu W, Bantle A, Irmak S, Tu D, Estelle M.
Clade-D auxin response factors regulate auxin signaling and development in the moss Physcomitrium patens.
PLoS Biol. 2023 Jun 14;21(6):e3002163. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002163.
PMID: 37315060
Dubey SM*, Han S*, Stutzman N, Prigge MJ, Medvecká E, Platre MP, Busch W, Fendrych, M, Estelle M.
The AFB1 auxin receptor controls the cytoplasmic auxin response pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Molecular Plant. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2023.06.008.
Prigge MJ, Wang Y, Estelle M,
Mutations in the Physcomitrium patens gene encoding Aminodeoxychorismate Synthase confer auxotrophic phenotypes.
microPublication Biology 2021 doi: 10.17912/micropub.biology.000364.
PMID: 33537559
Prigge MJ, Platre M, Kadakia N, Zhang Y, Greenham K, Szutu W, Pandey BK, Bhosale R, Bennett MJ, Busch W, Estelle M.
Genetic analysis of the Arabidopsis TIR1/AFB auxin receptors reveals both overlapping and specialized functions.
eLIFE 2020;9:e54740 doi: 10.7554/eLife.54740 F1000 Recommendation
PMID: 32067636
Djami-Tchatchou AT, Harrison GA, Harper CP, Wang R, Prigge MJ, Estelle M, Kunkel BN
Dual role of auxin in regulating plant defense and bacterial virulence gene expression during Pseudomonas syringae PtoDC3000 pathogenesis.
Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 2020 doi: 10.1094/MPMI-02-20-0047-R
Ligerot Y, de Saint Germain A, Waldie T, Troadec C, Citerne S, Kadakia N, Pillot J-P, Prigge MJ, Aubert G, Bendahmane A, Leyser O, Estelle M, Debellé F, Rameau C.
The pea branching RMS2 gene encodes the PsAFB4/5 auxin receptor and is involved in an auxin-strigolactone regulation loop.
PLOS Genetics. 2017
Lavy M, Prigge MJ, Tao S, Shain S, Kuo A, Kirchsteiger K, Estelle M.
Constitutive auxin response in Physcomitrella reveals complex interactions between Aux/IAA and ARF proteins.
eLIFE. 2016 F1000 Recommendation
PMID: 27247276
Prigge MJ*, Greenham K*, Zhang Y, Santner A, Castillejo C, Mutka AM, O'Malley RC, Ecker JR, Kunkel BN, Estelle M.
The Arabidopsis Auxin Receptor F-box proteins AFB4 and AFB5 are Required for Response to the Synthetic Auxin Picloram.
G3⋅Genes|Genomes|Genetics. 2016 Mar 14. pii: g3.115.025585. doi: 10.1534/g3.115.025585
Yu H, Zhang, Y, Moss BL, Bargmann BO, Wang R, Prigge M, Nemhauser JL, Estelle M.
Untethering the TIR1 auxin receptor from the SCF complex increases its stability and inhibits auxin response.
Nature Plants. 2015 1:14030.
Lavy M, Prigge MJ, Tigyi K, Estelle M.
The cyclophilin DIAGEOTROPICA has a conserved role in auxin signaling.
Development. 2012 Mar;139(6):1115-24.
Banks JA, Nishiyama T, Hasebe M, Bowman JL, Gribskov M, dePamphilis C, Albert VA, Aono N, Aoyama T, Ambrose BA, Ashton NW, Axtell MJ, Barker E, Barker MS, Bennetzen JL, Bonawitz ND, Chapple C, Cheng C, Correa LG, Dacre M, DeBarry J, Dreyer I, Elias M, Engstrom EM, Estelle M, Feng L, Finet C, Floyd SK, Frommer WB, Fujita T, Gramzow L, Gutensohn M, Harholt J, Hattori M, Heyl A, Hirai T, Hiwatashi Y, Ishikawa M, Iwata M, Karol KG, Koehler B, Kolukisaoglu U, Kubo M, Kurata T, Lalonde S, Li K, Li Y, Litt A, Lyons E, Manning G, Maruyama T, Michael TP, Mikami K, Miyazaki S, Morinaga S, Murata T, Mueller-Roeber B, Nelson DR, Obara M, Oguri Y, Olmstead RG, Onodera N, Petersen BL, Pils B, Prigge M, Rensing SA, Riano-Pachon DM, Roberts AW, Sato Y, Scheller HV, Schulz B, Schulz C, Shakirov EV, Shibagaki N, Shinohara N, Shippen DE, Sorensen I, Sotooka R, Sugimoto N, Sugita M, Sumikawa N, Tanurdzic M, Theissen G, Ulvskov P, Wakazuki S, Weng JK, Willats WW, Wipf D, Wolf PG, Yang L, Zimmer AD, Zhu Q, Mitros T, Hellsten U, Loque D, Otillar R, Salamov A, Schmutz J, Shapiro H, Lindquist E, Lucas S, Rokhsar D, Grigoriev IV.
The Selaginella genome identifies genetic changes associated with the evolution of vascular plants.
Science. 2011 May 20;332(6032):960-3.
Prigge MJ, Lavy M, Ashton NW, Estelle M.
Physcomitrella patens Auxin-Resistant Mutants Affect Conserved Elements of an Auxin-Signaling Pathway.
Curr Biol. 2010 Nov 9;20(21):1907-12.
F1000 recommendations
Prigge MJ, Bezanilla M.
Evolutionary crossroads in developmental biology: Physcomitrella patens.
Development. 2010 Nov;137(21):3535-43.
Ge L, Peer W, Robert S, Swarup R, Ye S, Prigge M, Cohen JD, Friml J, Murphy A, Tang D, Estelle M.
Arabidopsis ROOT UVB SENSITIVE2/WEAK AUXIN RESPONSE1 Is Required for Polar Auxin Transport.
Plant Cell. 2010 Jun;22(6):1749-61.
F1000 recommendation
Parry G, Calderon-Villalobos LI, Prigge M, Peret B, Dharmasiri S, Itoh H, Lechner E, Gray WM, Bennett M, Estelle M.
Complex regulation of the TIR1/AFB family of auxin receptors.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2009 106(52) 22540-5.
Yamada M, Greenham K, Prigge MJ, Jensen PJ, Estelle M.
The TRANSPORT INHIBITOR RESPONSE2 gene is required for auxin synthesis and diverse aspects of plant development.
Plant Physiol. 151(1):168-79.
F1000 recommendation
Kim S, Yang JY, Xu J, Jang IC, Prigge MJ, Chua NH.
Two cap-binding proteins CBP20 and CBP80 are involved in processing primary MicroRNAs.
Plant Cell Physiol. 2008 Nov;49(11):1634-44.
Rensing SA, Lang D, Zimmer AD, Terry A, Salamov A, Shapiro H, Nishiyama T, Perroud PF, Lindquist EA, Kamisugi Y, Tanahashi T, Sakakibara K, Fujita T, Oishi K, Shin-I T, Kuroki Y, Toyoda A, Suzuki Y, Hashimoto S, Yamaguchi K, Sugano S, Kohara Y, Fujiyama A, Anterola A, Aoki S, Ashton N, Barbazuk WB, Barker E, Bennetzen JL, Blankenship R, Cho SH, Dutcher SK, Estelle M, Fawcett JA, Gundlach H, Hanada K, Heyl A, Hicks KA, Hughes J, Lohr M, Mayer K, Melkozernov A, Murata T, Nelson DR, Pils B, Prigge M, Reiss B, Renner T, Rombauts S, Rushton PJ, Sanderfoot A, Schween G, Shiu SH, Stueber K, Theodoulou FL, Tu H, Van de Peer Y, Verrier PJ, Waters E, Wood A, Yang L, Cove D, Cuming AC, Hasebe M, Lucas S, Mishler BD, Reski R, Grigoriev IV, Quatrano RS, Boore JL.
The Physcomitrella genome reveals evolutionary insights into the conquest of land by plants.
Science. 319(5859):64-69. F1000 Recommendation
Prigge MJ, Clark SE.
Evolution of the class III HD-Zip gene family in land plants.
Evol Dev. 2006 Jul-Aug;8(4):350-61.
CORONA, a member of the class III homeodomain leucine zipper gene family in Arabidopsis, regulates stem cell specification and organogenesis.
Plant Cell. 2005 Mar;17(3):691-704. F1000 Recommendation
Prigge MJ, Otsuga D, Alonso JM, Ecker JR, Drews GN, Clark SE.
Class III homeodomain-leucine zipper gene family members have overlapping, antagonistic, and distinct roles in Arabidopsis development.
Plant Cell. 2005 Jan;17(1):61-76.
Otsuga D, DeGuzman B, Prigge MJ, Drews GN, Clark SE.
REVOLUTA regulates meristem initiation at lateral positions.
Plant J. 2001 Jan;25(2):223-36. F1000 Recommendation
Prigge MJ, Wagner DR.
The Arabidopsis SERRATE gene encodes a zinc-finger protein required for normal shoot development.
Plant Cell. 2001 Jun;13(6):1263-79.
Larkin JC, Young N, Prigge M, Marks MD.
The control of trichome spacing and number in Arabidopsis.
Development. 1996 Mar;122(3):997-1005.