Since 2010
Last updated December 2018
Petty, E.L. and Pillus, L. (2021) Cell cycle roles for GCN5 revealed through genetic suppression. BBA Gene Regulatory Mechanisms, special issue in honor of Susan Abmayr Biochim Biophys Acta Gene Regul Mech1864:194625. doi: 10.1016/j.bbagrm.2020.194625. PMID: 32798737
Li, Y., Jiang, Y., Paxman, J., O’Laughlin, R., Pillus, L. Tsimring, L.V. Hasty, J. and Hao, N. J (2020) A programmable fate decision underlies single-cell aging in yeast. Science 369: 325-329 PMID: 32675375
Jin, M., Li, Y., O’Laughlin, R., Bitthin, P., Pillus, L., Tsimring, L., Hasty, J. and Hao, N. (2019) Divergent aging of isogenic yeast cells revealed through single-cell phenotypic dynamics. Cell Systems 8: 242-253 PMID: 30852250
O'Laughlin R, Jin M, Li Y, Pillus L, Tsimring LS, Hasty J, Hao N. (2020) Advances in quantitative biology methods for studying replicative agin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Transl Med Aging 4:151-160. doi: 10.1016/j.tma.2019.09.002.
Petty, E.L., Evpak, M, and Pillus, L. (2018) Connecting GCN5’s centromeric SAGA to the mitotic tension-sensing checkpoint Mol Biol Cell. mbcE17120701. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E17-12-0701. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 29995571
Searle, N.E. and Pillus, L. (2018) Critical genomic regulation mediated by Enhancer of Polycomb Current Genetics 64(1):147-154 PMID: 28884217
**Marquez-Lona, E.M., **Torres-Machorro, A.L., Gonzales, F., Pillus, L. and Patrick, G.N. (2017) Phosphorylation of the 19S regulatory particle subunit, Rpt6, modifies susceptibility to proteotoxic stress and mutant Huntingtin aggregation formation in S. cerevisiae. PLoS One12(6):e0179893. PMID: 28662109
Li Y, Jin M, O'Laughlin R, Bittihn P, Tsimring LS, Pillus L, Hasty J, Hao N.(2017) Multi-generational silencing dynamics control cell aging. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114(42):11253-11258 PMID: 29073021
Mason, A.G., Garza, R.M., McCormick, M.A., Kennedy, B.K., *Pillus, L. and *La Spada, A.R. (2017) The replicative lifespan extending deletion of SGF73 results in altered ribosomal gene expression in yeast. Aging Cell 16(4):785-796. doi: 10.1111/acel.12611PMID: 28568901
Searle, N.E., Torres-Machorro, A.L. and Pillus, L. (2017) Chromatin regulation by the NuA4 acetyltransferase complex is mediated by essential interactions between enhancer of Polycomb (Epl1) and Esa1. Genetics 205:1125-1137 PMID 28108589
Petty EL, Lafon A, Tomlinson SL, Mendelsohn BA, and Pillus L. (2016) Promotion of Cell Viability and Histone Gene Expression by the Acetyltransferase Gcn5 and the Protein Phosphatase PP2A in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics 116.189506. PMID: 27317677
Su XB, and Pillus L. (2016) Functions for diverse metabolic activities in heterochromatin. Proc Natl Acad Sci 113(11): E1526-35 PMID: 26936955
Torres-Machorro, A.L., Clark, L.G., Chang C.S., and Pillus, L. (2015) The Set3 complex antagonizes the MYST acetyltransferase Esa1 in the DNA damage response.Mol Cell Biol 35(21): 3714-25 PMID 26303527
Torres-Machorro, A.L., Aris, J.P. and Pillus, L. (2015) A moonlighting metabolic enzyme influences repair at double-stranded DNA breaks. Nucleic Acids Research 43: 1646-1658 PMID: 25628362
*McCormick, M.A., *Mason, A.G., *Guyenet, S.J., Dang, W., Garza, R.M., Ting, M.K., Moller, R.M., Berger, S.L., Kaeberlein, M., Pillus, L., La Spada, A.R., and Kennedy, B.K. (2014) The SAGA histone deubiquitinase module controls yeast replicative lifespan via Sir2 interaction. Cell Reports 8:477-486 PMID: 25043177
Torres-Machorro, A.L. and Pillus, L. (2014) Bypassing the requirement for an essential MYST acetyltransferase. Genetics 197:851-863 PMID: 24831819
Eustice, M. and Pillus, L. (2014) Unexpected function of the glucanosyltransferase Gas1 in the DNA damage response linked to histone H3 acetyltransferases in S. cerevisiae. Genetics196:1029-1039 PMID: 24532730
Basnet, H., Su, X.B., Tan, Y. Meisenhelder, J., Merkujev, D., Ohgi, K.A., Hunter, T., Pillus*, L., and Rosenfeld*, M.G. (2014) Tyrosine phosphorylation of histone H2A by CK2 regulates transcriptional elongation. Nature516:267-271 PMID: 25252977
Petty, E. and Pillus, L. (2013) Balancing chromatin remodeling and histone modifications in transcription. Trends in Genetics 29:621-629 PMID: 23870137
Chen, L., Licon, K., Otsuka, R., Pillus, L. and Ideker, T. (2013) Decoupling chromatin and genetic effects through systematic analysis of gene position. Cell Reports 3(1):128-37. PMID:23291096.
Chang, C.S., Clarke, A.S. and Pillus, L. (2012) Suppression analysis of esa1 mutants in S. cerevisiae links NAB3 to transcriptional silencing and nucleolar functions. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 2(10):1223-32.PMID: 23050233.
Lafon, A., Petty, E. and Pillus, L. (2012) Functional antagonism between Sas3 and Gcn5 acetyltransferases and ISWI chromatin remodelers. PLoS Genetics 8(10):e1002994. PMID: 23055944.
Garza, R. and Pillus, L. (2012) STUbLs in chromatin and genome stability. 99(2):146-54 PMID: 23175389.
Scott, E.M. and Pilllus, L. (2010) Homocitrate synthase connects amino acid metabolism to chromatin functions through Esal and DNA damage. Genes & Development 24:1903-1913 PMID: 20810648.
Bulfer, S.L., Scott, E.M., Pillus, L. and Trievel, R.C. (2010) Structural basis for feedback inhibition of homocitrate synthase by L-lysine. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285:10466-10453 PMID: 20089861.
Bulfer SL, Scott EM, Couture JF, Pillus L, Trievel RC. (2009) Crystal structure and functional analysis of homocitrate synthase, an essential enzyme in lysine buisynthesis. Journal of Biological Chemistry 284:35769-35780 PMID: 19776021.
Jacobson, S. and Pillus, L. (2009) The SAGA subunit Ada2 functions in transcriptional silencing Molecular and Cellular Biology 29(22):6033-6045 Supplementary Materials
Chang, C.S. and Pillus, L. (2009) Collaboration Between the Essential Esa1 acetyltransferase and the Rpd3 Deacetylase is Mediated by H4K12 Histone Acetylation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics 183(1):149-160 PMID: 19596907
Koch, M.R. and Pillus, L. (2009) The Gas1 Glucanosyltransferase functions in transcriptional silencing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(27):11224-9. PMID: 19541632
Kennedy E.J., Yang J., Pillus L., Taylor S., and Ghosh G.(2009) Identifying critical non-catalytic residues that modulate PKA activity. PLoS One 4(3):e4746 PMID: 19270744
Mak, H.C., Pillus, L., and Ideker, T. (2009) Dynamic reprogramming of transcription factors to and from the subtelomere. Genome Research 9(6):1014-25 PMID: 19372386
Koch, M.R. and Pillus, L. (2009) Silent chromatin formation and regulation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Handbook of Cell Signaling, 2nd Edition, Oxford: Academic Press eds., R. Bradshaw and E. Dennis pp. 2427-2436
Kennedy, E.J., Ghosh G., and Pillus, L. (2008) Identification of functionally distinct regions that mediate biological activity of the Protein Kinase A homolog TPK2. Journal of Biological Chemistry 283: 1084-1093 PMID: 17971450
Darst, R.P., Garcia, S.N., Krick, M., and Pillus, L. (2008) Slx5p promotes transcriptional silencing and is required for robust growth in the absence of Sir2p. Molec. Cell. Biol. 28:1361-1372 PMID: 18086879
Pillus L (2008) MYSTs Mark Chromatin for Chromosomal Functions. Curr. Opin. Cell Biology 20:326-333 PMID: 18511253
Lafon A., Chang C.S., Scott E.M., Jacobson S.J., and Pillus L. (2007) MYST opportunities for growth control: yeast genes illuminate human cancer gene functions. Oncogene 26:5373-5384. PMID: 17694079
Allis C.D., Berger S.L., Côté J., Dent S., Jenuwein T., Kouzarides T., Pillus L., Reinberg D., Shi Y., Sheikhattar R., Shilatifard A., Workman J., and Zhang Y. (2007) New nomenclature for chromatin-modifying enzymes. Cell 131:633-636 PMID: 18022353
Clarke, A.S., Samal, E., and Pillus, L. (2006) Distinct roles for the essential MYST family HAT Esa1p in transcriptional silencing. Mol. Biol. Cell 17: 1744-1757.
Wilson, J.M., Le, V.Q., Zimmerman, C., Marmorstein, R., and Pillus L (2006) Nuclear export modulates the cytoplasmic Sir2 homologue Hst2. EMBO Reports 7:1247-1251 PMCID: PMC1794688
Ruault, M. and Pillus, L. (2006) Chromatin modifying enzymes are essential when the Saccharomyces cerevisiae morphogenesis checkpoint is constitutively activated. Genetics 174:1135-1149 PMID: 16951088
2000 to 2005
Freeman-Cook, L., E. B. Gomez, E. J. Spedale, J. Marlett, S. L. Forsburg, L. Pillus and P. Laurenson (2005) Conserved locus-specific silencing functions of S. pombe sir2+. Genetics 169:1243-1260.
Lo, W.-S., E. R. Gamache, K. W. Henry, D. Yang, L. Pillus and S. L. Berger (2005) Activator-targeted Snf1-mediated histone H3 phosphorylation can promote TBP recruitment through distinct promoter-specific mechanisms. EMBO J 24:997-1008
Pillus. L. and J. Rine (2005) SIR1 and the origin of epigenetic states in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology LXIX: 259-265.
Wirén, M., Silverstein, R. A., Sinha, I., Walfridsson, J., Lee, H., Laurenson, P., Pillus, L., Robyr, D., Grunstein, M., and Ekwall, K. (2005) Genome wide analysis of nucleosome density, histone acetylation, and HDAC function in fission yeast. EMBO J. 24:2906-2918.
Kennedy, E.J. L. Pillus, and and G. Ghosh (2005) Pho5p and newly identified nucleotide pyrophosphatases/phosphodiesterases regulate extracellular nucleotide phosphate metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Eukaryotic Cell 4:1892-1902.
Jacobson, S., Laurenson, P. and L. Pillus (2004) Functional analysis of chromatin modification in yeast. Methods in Enzymology, 377: 3-55 (C. Wu and C.D. Allis, eds.).
Jacobson, S. and L. Pillus (2004) Molecular requirements for gene expression mediated by targeted histone acetyltransferases. Mol. Cell. Biol. 24:6029-6039.
Clements, A., A.N. Poux, W.-S. Lo, L. Pillus, S.L. Berger, R. Marmorstein (2003) Structural basis for histone and phospo-histone binding by the GCN5 histone acetyltransferase. Mol. Cell 12:461-473.
Lowell, J.E., A.I. Roughton, V. Lundblad and L. Pillus (2003) Telomerase-independent proliferation is influenced by cell-type in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics, 164:909-921.
Henry, K.W., Wyce, A., Lo, W.-S., Duggan, L.J., Emre, T., Kao, C., Pillus, L., Shilatifard, A., Osley, M.A., and S.L. Berger (2003) Transcriptional activation via sequential histone H2B ubiquitylation and deubiquitylation, mediated by SAGA-associated Ubp8. Genes & Development 17:2648-2663.
Murphy, G.A., E, J. Spedale, S. T. Powell, L. Pillus, S. C. Schultz, and L. Chen (2003) The Sir4 C-terminal coiled-coil is required for telomeric and mating type silencing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Mol. Biol. 334:769-780.
Parsons, X-J., Garcia, S.N., l. Pillus and J.T. Kadonaga (2003) Histone deacetylation by Sir2 generates a transcriptionally repressed nucleoprotein complex. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 100:1609-1614.
Garcia, S.N. and L. Pillus (2002) A unique class of conditional sir2 mutants display distinct silencing defects in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics 162:721-736.
Dutnall, R.N. and L. Pillus (2001). Deciphering NAD-dependent deacetylases. Cell 105:161-164.
Howe, L., Auston, D., Grant, P., John, S., Cook, R.G., Workman, J.L., and L. Pillus (2001) Histone H3 specific acetyltransferases are essential for cell cycle progression. Genes & Development 15:3144-3154.
Before 2000
Stone, E.M., C.M. Reifsnyder, M. McVey, B.M. Gazo, and L. Pillus (2000). Two classes of sir3 mutants enhance the sir1 mutant mating defect and abolish telomeric silencing in S. cerevisiae. Genetics 155: 509-522.
Stone, E.M., P. Heun, T. LaRoche, L. Pillus and S.M. Gasser (2000) MAP kinase signaling induces nuclear reorganization in budding yeast. Current Biology 10: 373-382.
Landry, J, A. Sutton, S. Tafrov, R. Heller, J. Stebbins, L. Pillus and R. Sternglanz (2000) The silencing protein SIR2 and its homologs are NAD-dependent protein deacetylases. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 97:5807-5811.
Freeman-Cook, L., R. Kamakaka and L. Pillus (2000) Chromatin contributions to epigenetic transcriptional states in yeast. In: Chromatin Structure & Gene Expression (S.C.R. Elgin and J. Workman, eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press pp. 203-227.
Clarke, A.S., J. Lowell, S. Jacobson and L. Pillus (1999) Esa1p is an essential histone acetyltransferase required for cell cycle progression. Molec. Cell Biol. 19:2515-2526.
S. Allard, R.T. Utley, J. Savard, A. Clarke, P. Grant, C.J. Brandl, L. Pillus, J.L. Workman, and Côté, J (1999) NuA4, an essential transcription adaptor/histone H4 acetyltransferase complex containing Esa1p and the ATM-related cofactor Tra1p. EMBO J. 18:5108-5119.
Jacobson, S. and L. Pillus (1999). Modifying chromatin and concepts of cancer. Curr. Opin. in Genetics and Devel. 9: 175-184
Garcia, S.N. and L. Pillus (1999) Net results of nucleolar dynamics. Cell 97: 825-828.
Sherman, J., E.M. Stone, L. Freeman-Cook, C. Brachmann, J. Boeke and L. Pillus (1999). The conserved core of a human SIR2 homologue functions in yeast silencing. Mol. Biol. Cell 10:3045-3059.
Freeman-Cook, L.L., J.M. Sherman, C.B. Brachmann, R. Allshire, J.D. Boeke and L. Pillus (1999). The Schizosaccharomyces pombe hst4+ gene is a SIR2 homologue with silencing and centromeric functions. Mol. Biol. Cell 10:3171-3186.
Stone, E.M. and Pillus, L. (1998) Silent chromatin in yeast: an orchestrated medley featuring Sir3p. BioEssays 20:30-40.
Lowell, J.E. and L. Pillus (1998) Telomere tales: chromatin, telomerase and telomere function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 54:32-49.
Smith, J.S., C.B. Brachmann, L. Pillus and J.D. Boeke (1998) Distribution of a limited Sir2 protein pool regulates the strength of yeast rDNA silencing and is modulated by Sir4p. Genetics 149:1205-1219.
Sherman, J.M. and L. Pillus (1997) An uncertain silence. Trends Genet. 13:308-313.
Nislow, C., E. Ray and L. Pillus (1997) SET1, a yeast member of the Trithorax family, functions in transcriptional regulation and diverse cellular processes. Mol. Biol. Cell 8:2421-2436.
Stone, E.M. and L. Pillus (1996) Activation of a MAP kinase cascade leads to Sir3p hyperphosphorylation and strengthens transcriptional silencing. J. Cell Biol. 135:571-583.
Reifsnyder, C., J. Lowell, A. Clarke and L. Pillus (1996) Yeast silencing genes SAS2 and SAS3 and human genes associated with acute myeloid leukemia and with HIV-1 Tat interactions are homologous and share similarities with acetyltransferases. Nature Genet. 14:42-49.
Laible, G., A. Wolf, G. Reuter, L. Pillus and J. Jenuwein (1996) Mammalian homologs of the Polycomb-group gene Enhancer of zeste mediate gene silencing in Drosophila heterochromatin and at S. cerevisiae telomeres. EMBO J. 16:3219-3232.
Pillus, L. and M. Grunstein (1995) Chromatin structure and epigenetic regulation in yeast. In: Chromatin Structure & Gene Expression (S.C.R. Elgin, ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 123-146.
Brachmann, C., J. Sherman, S. Devine, E. Cameron, L. Pillus and J. Boeke (1995) The SIR2 gene family, conserved from bacteria to humans, functions in silencing, cell cycle progression and chromosome stability Genes & Dev. 9:2888-2902.
Rivier, D. and L. Pillus (1994) Silencing speaks up. Cell 76:963-966.
Palladino, F., T. Larouche, E. Gilson, L. Pillus and S. Gasser (1994) Sir3 and Sir4 proteins function in telomeric positioning and integrity. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium Quant. Biol., LVIII:733-746.
Palladino, F., T. Laroche, E. Gilson, A. Axelrod, L. Pillus and S.M. Gasser (1993) SIR3 and SIR4 proteins are required for the positioning and integrity of yeast telomeres. Cell 75:531-542.
Pillus, L. (1992) An acquired state: epigenetic mechanisms in transcription. Curr. Op. Cell Biol. 4:453-458.
Pillus, L. (1991) Any which way but loose—determining a transcription state in yeast. BioEssays 13:303-304.
Pillus, L. and J. Rine (1989) Epigenetic inheritance of transcriptional states in S. cerevisiae. Cell 59:637-647.
Pillus, L. and F. Solomon (1986) Components of microtubular structures in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83:2468-2472.
Bond, J.F., J.L. Fridovich-Keil, L. Pillus, R.C. Mulligan and F. Solomon (1986) A chicken-yeast chimeric β-tubulin protein incorporated into mouse microtubules in vivo. Cell 44:461-468.
Schatz, P.J., L. Pillus, P. Grisafi, F. Solomon and D. Botstein (1986) Two functional α-tubulin genes of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae encode divergent proteins. Mol. Cell. Biol. 6:3711-3721.
Pillus, L. and F. Solomon (1986) Overview: Why the yeast cytoskeleton? In: Yeast Cell Biology (J. Hicks, ed.), Alan R. Liss, New York, pp. 3-12.
Tippit, D.H., Pillus, L. and Pickett-Heaps, J.D. (1983) Near-neighbor analysis of spindle microtubules in the alga Ochromonas. Eur. J. Cell Biol. 30:9-17.
Tippit, D.H., Pillus, L. and Pickett-Heaps, J.D. (1980) The organization of spindle microtubules in Ochromonas danica. J. Cell Biol. 87:531-545.