Estimation of forces induced on the membrane by ActuAtor
This package contains a tool automembrane
which employs automatic differentiation to compute the energy and forces of the membrane given a 2D discrete shape profile.
We apply the tool to a dataset where ActuAtor is used to deform the nuclear membrane.
A preprint of this work is available on the bioRxiv.
Local directory structure
├── actuator_example -> Code for application to ActuAtor
│ ├── coordinates -> Initial segmentations
│ ├── crop_images -> Cropped images
│ └── raw_images -> Raw EM images
├── automembrane -> Source for automembrane tool
│ └── tests
├── devtools
│ └── conda-envs
└── examples
Installing automembrane and running the example
After cloning this repository, automembrane
can be installed by running pip install .
from the root folder.
Examples can be found in the actuator_example
The raw/cropped EM images and segmentations are in the corresponding subfolders.
There are several python files which perform the analysis and work. -> Contains mappings for file locations and EM image metadata -> Helper for making movies -> Main driver function which runs relaxation, parameter variation and plotting
The following should be run in order: -> Code for relaxation of initial segmentented geometries -> Runs parameter variation on the relaxed geometries -> Generated plots and movies
If you are short on time, you can simply run
which will perform geometric relaxation, parameter variation, and plotting for you automatically.
It calls functions from the three variations_*.py
files which do the actual work.
For a guided approach, there are also two jupyter notebooks which discuss the theory behind the work. You can also execute these to get a feel for what is happening in the automatic scripts.
Copyright (c) 2022-2023, Eleanor Jung, Cuncheng Zhu, Christopher T. Lee, and Padmini Rangamani
Project based on the Computational Molecular Science Python Cookiecutter version 1.6.