Powerful Tools For Better Foods
The San
Diego Union Tribune. Sunday, June 24, 2001. Opinion's Section.
safe food supply and the Earth's environment are under serious threat
if we are to believe the thousands of protesters who are marching in the
streets of San Diego this week. They believe that there is collusion between
government regulators who don't do their jobs properly and overpaid CEOs
with an attitude of "the public-be-damned." They are protesting
the application of modern genetic techniques to crop improvement by agricultural
biotechnology companies.
Where do the university scientists whose discoveries underlie these technologies
stand in this debate? They see these so-called genetically modified or
"GM" crops as the latest logical development in an 80-year process
of genetic crop improvement that started in the 1920s when the laws of
inheritance first described by Gregor Mendel began to be applied to agricultural
plants. Gradually more wild plants and laboratory techniques were added
to the toolbox of the plant breeder: crop relatives containing useful
traits were crossed with domesticated crops, tissue culture techniques
allowed breeders to create hybrids that could not have developed in nature,
the use of radiation in breeding to create mutations led to thousands
of new crop lines and, since 1985, gene cloning and other molecular technologies
have become standard tools of the breeder. These powerful tools allow
genes to be swapped between unrelated plants.
The new crop strains are as unlikely to contain dangerous toxic compounds
or new allergens as the crops that were bred a hundred years ago or the
novel fruits and vegetables that show up in the produce section of your
local market at regular intervals. What did you do when you first saw
kiwi fruits or cactus leaves in your market? Wait for government tests?
Ask advice from a doctor? The more adventurous among us tried them. No
one can guarantee that these or any other foods are absolutely safe for
you. The reason for this lack of absolute certainty is quite simple: no
one can guarantee that every food is 100 percent safe for 100 percent
of the people on Earth. That is because the plants we eat contain hundreds
of toxic chemicals, many of them carcinogens, and hundreds of compounds
whose interaction with our own cells has never been studied. Since all
people are unique, we can't predict how you will react. You may be that
one person in a million whose body doesn't really like kiwis. It's no
different for GM crops, except that they are more thoroughly tested before
the government approves them for human consumption. For example, testing
for allergens is required for GM foods but not for traditional foods.
Is the environment under threat? Well, it is, but much more from agriculture
as we know it than from GM crops. Indeed, GM crops can help to alleviate
some of the negative impacts of present agricultural practices. The groundwater
underneath herbicide-tolerant corn in Illinois was found to have less
herbicide, not more, than that under conventional corn fields. Fields
of GM insect-resistant cotton have more and a greater diversity of insects
because they are sprayed less frequently with pesticides. Both technologies
also consume less fossil fuels: herbicide tolerant plants require less
tilling of the soil, a major energy expenditure for farmers, and insect-resistant
crops require much less pesticide. An economic analysis by two scientists
from Auburn University and Louisiana State University showed that last
year, GM insect-resistant cotton alone saved nearly 5 million gallons
of fuel oil that otherwise would have been used for the manufacture, transport
and application of pesticides
Activists focus on GM technology because it is a clearly identifiable
target and in many ways symptomatic of current agricultural practices.
Rather, we should focus on the broader question: are our practices sustainable
and do GM technologies help or hinder the sustainability of food production?
Although organic farming cannot feed the world and there is no evidence
that organic practices produce healthier food, the great benefit of the
organic movement is that it has refocused our attention on agricultural
practices and sustainability. From a scientific point of view, the emphasis
on the safety of GM crops is silly. However, this warrants an examination
of the broader question: are we going in the right direction? Certain
GM crops can help sustainability in certain environments. Other GM crops
in other environments may be detrimental to sustainability. GM technology,
like other technologies (irrigation, pest control, application of fertilizers,
disposal of agricultural wastes), must be examined on a case-by-case basis
and within the framework of the bigger picture of how society wants agriculture
to develop. Intensive food production is by its very nature unkind to
the natural environment. Let's focus the debate on producing food at affordable
prices in a sustainable way.
Maarten J.
Director, San Diego Center for Molecular Agriculture
Professor of Biology, UCSD.